Thursday, November 3, 2016

Logan View ends year with Sub-District loss to Winnebago

Winnebago beat Logan View 3-2 in the C1-6 Sub-District at Oakland-Craig Monday night.

In the first match, the Raiders won the first two sets 25-19 and 25-21 before Winnebago stormed back to win the next three sets, winning set three 26-24, set four 25-22, and set five 25-11.

Logan View was led by Ashley Uhing, who notched 17 kills. Taylor Ruwe added 10.

Assistant Coach Brad Schlegel.

"Those first two games we really were hitting the ball. But after those first two games Winnebago did a great job of just keeping the ball alive. They just kept the ball off the floor, and then we started making a lot of mistakes also. So when we'd put a ball in the court, they'd bring it back over, and then we'd hit it long or hit it in the net, and just kind of killed ourselves with mistakes."

The Raiders end the year at 3-28.

Schlegel on the team's record.

"As we head now into the offseason we really need to start realizing that Volleyball's going to have to be a 12-month commitment instead of a 3-month commitment, and just kind of build players through just training them in the offseason. And unlike college you don't get to recruit players, you get who you got and you got to make a Volleyball team out of it."


"We're definitely on the way up, but kind of getting to a place where we can play with most of the teams that we play against is going to be a battle. And it's something our girls have to buy into, and our girls have to be willing to come in, put in the work, put in the time."

There weren't a lot of bright spots for Logan View this year, but I think the Raiders have a chance to be good in the future if players work hard and believe in what they are doing and being taught.

Logan View graduates four seniors in Hannah Brainard, Jasmine Deluna, Madison Schuler, and Hannah Novotony.

All are big and significant losses for the Raiders, in my opinion, especially the latter three.

Key returners include Uhing, Ruwe, Tyler Christiansen, Jasmine Hanshaw, and Shaylin Daugherty.

As I said I think Logan View can be good in the future, but the Raiders have to be willing to work their tails off year round.

Logan View can't expect to win matches by just playing volleyball for the three months during the season.

Volleyball has to be a year round thing for these girls if they want to get good at it.

I know some if not all of these girls are involved in other sports, and that's wonderful, but it's important for them to play Volleyball when they have time.

Volleyball has to matter and has to be a priority in these girls' lives.

The returning players and newcomers have to stay in shape by working out and playing the game.

The more Volleyball these girls play, the better they will be in 2017.

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